Bathroom Safety Grab Bars

Bathroom Safety | |

Choice Resurfacing’s Bathroom Safety Solutions

Reduce the chances of dangerous slips or falls with Choice Resurfacing’s bathroom safety grab bars. Our ADA-compliant shower, toilet, and bathtub safety bars can be installed in virtually any bathroom. Installation is fast, affordable, and hassle-free.

Safety Grab Bars

Grab Bar

If you need something to hold on to or assist you in the bathroom, Choice Resurfacing offers bathroom safety grab bars in a variety of styles and colors. These bathtub safety bars are essential for Utah homeowners who find getting in and out of the tub or shower difficult or fear slipping on the fixture’s smooth surface.

Bathtub Step


Having trouble getting in and out of the tub? We can create a step in your existing bathtub for easier entry and exit. Our trained professionals can install this step in less than a day; why waste time and money waiting for a brand-new custom tub?

Bathtub Chair

Tub Chair
For those who get fatigued by having to stand while showering, Choice Resurfacing offers a specialized chair to make your bathing routine easier. Designed for use in a standard bathtub, you can rest easy knowing that these chairs will help you stay safe and comfortable throughout your shower. These sturdy chairs feature grip pads on the feet and handles, so you don’t have to worry about slipping or falling. These chairs are also light enough for anyone to lift in and out of the tub in shared bathrooms.

For all of your Utah & Arizona bath safety needs, call or request an estimate from Choice Resurfacing. Our friendly and knowledgeable sales professionals will help you find the perfect solution for your specific needs.

